the first blog post


With this post, I welcome you to my new, redesigned page. I integrated blog functionality and kept all of the site's features to a minimum for an undisturbed browsing experience. I will share future blog posts and new content on my twitter page, but if you're a RSS guy, feel free to use that to be kept updated.

the blog

I've set up my own little blog at last. I was looking for a place to share my thoughts and some interesting anecdotes. I hope to improve my writing skills while doing this blog, too. I have many plans actually - sharing the music I found out about in the week, sharing new interesting knowledge or simply explaining some solutions and workflows I use in coding. All of that could be posted in the near future.

DSC_1848.JPG A look into my little room, where I snack, sleep, work and create.

Mainly I set up this blog because I felt that my brain needs a creative output of some sort. There's a lot of thoughts I have during the day and I feel it would be a useful skill to learn how to express these in words to you.

the statics

I have an about page, but I do also include a portfolio page now. It makes it easier for the interested to find out about my skills, noteable achievements and knowledge. It will be kept updated.

Also I'm planning to include an image gallery in the near future. It will feature images I created that can be used by everyone if I get credited for it (CC).

the old page(s)

My old page is still available here, but it will be retired soon. The adventcalendar page is going to stay for a while.

last words

I'd be happy if you'd stick around. Leave a comment or interact with me on twitter, so I know you're there.